Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why another blog...

I have been blogging for a few years about various things. A few months ago I bumped into the Manosphere. My other blog serves a different purpose, so I have started a second blog here, whose purpose is to investigate "Game" as applied to adult relationships, marriage, and, in a generic sense, manhood.

There are a number of blogs that have convinced me to open this particular conversation two of the most prominent are Dalrock and Roissy. Both of these gentlemen have raised the entire discussion about male female relationships. I have a great deal of respect for both of them. Each serves a different purpose. You should go read them, because my summary of their goals will be, by definition inadequate. Still to lay the ground work I summarize them this way:

Dalrock believes that marriage is under attack from many sources and strives to teach men and women to see through the fallacies of the divorce industry and to realize the women are not well served by divorce.

Roissy, has a more direct  goal: to teach men how to deal with the feminist attacks on males so that they are able to attract and enjoy the company of women, without getting caught in the shaming and other tactics that feminism teaches women inflict on men.

I have commented, sometimes extensively on both of these gentlemen's blogs, but I find that I need a separate forum to explore foundational issues that are not well addressed in comments to specific posts. I will post here occasionally as needed to elaborate on topics that these gentlemen raise.

1 comment:

  1. Well I don't care for your moniker but I suppose the internet has room for more than one "Uncle".

    Perhaps you will enjoy my "Employment Game" essays on the Spearhead :

